What) Overflowing with hauntingly beautiful funerary statues, the 135 acres of garden-style grounds at Hollywood Cemetery attracts photographers as well as those out for a Sunday stroll amongst the rolling hills overlooking the James River and the downtown Richmond area. It offers scenic views as well as poignant spots for reflection in the gothic landscape. The cemetery was designed in 1847 and opened in 1849, just in time to make room for the casualties of the Civil War. A memorial in the shape of a 90-foot stone pyramid looms over the graves of over 18,000 enlisted Confederate soldiers buried here. (1)

    In addition, a statue of a dog stands guard on the grave of a young girl. Around 1862, a little girl named Bernadine Rees would regularly visit a merchant's shop with her mother, and the dog statue was outside of the merchant's business. The 2-year old girl loved the statue and would pet and talk to the "dog" whenever she visited. Bernadine fell victim to scarlet fever, and passed away, and the mother was inconsolable. The merchant had been to the funeral, and offered up the dog statue to place on the child's grave, since she had loved it so when she had been alive. The dog has stood guard on her grave ever since, and people periodically leave small gifts such as pennies and little toys as tokens of esteem or for good luck. The area of the cemetery where the grave is located is now known as "black dog hill." (2)

    Where) 421 South Cherry Street   Open daily from 8am - 5pm

    Why) It sure sounds like the something for me and something for Pam type Buckys but there is a little used Buckys rule that says you are not allowed to ask for help or directions when searching for a Buckys.  This meant that although we got to the cemetery without trouble we weren't able to find a gate to let us through the fence.  After driving around for a while, we decided to visit the nearby Mount Calvary Cemetery instead.

The Calvary Cemetery is laid out around this monument.

When you look at it from this angle you can make out the familiar details.

This spiderweb was constructed on the dead branches nearby and it seemed to fit in well with the surroundings.


I like the way the Powers family has laid out their plots.

Pam got a phone call about this time so I spent some of my time practicing my artistic photography skills.

I like how these two turned out.