What) It was January 26th when we arrived in Houston to play our first session of bridge on our trip.  Even though my birthday was not until March 10th, Pam decided to give me my birthday present early because of the nature of her gift.  The really strange thing here is that January 26th is actually Pam's birthday.  Of course, I had already given her her present before we left because of the nature of my gift.  Don't worry though, I have included a few pictures of her gift in a future Florida Buckys.

Here is the card that came with the present.

Her gift was a set of "business" cards that ended up being quite useful.  If you are wondering about the seven diamonds shown on the card,
it is Pam's remberance of a hand that we bid and I played in Missoula.  You can click here to read the story behind it.